Reporter 1: On todays news ‘more men choosing surgery to improve their looks’. Tummy tuck is the fastest growing procedure as image conscious males ditch the gym in favour of the knife.
Reporter 2: Lets go over to Tony who has had surgery:
Tony: I went to David Lam who is a Sheffield surgeon for a tummy tuck operation which cost me £5,000. I always thought it was just for women, however he showed me pictures of the men who had the treatment and I realised it wasn't. I feel much happier and confident. I feel as if I can finally buy the clothes I want.
Reporter 1: So did you feel pressured by the images throughout the media for example magazines?
Tony: Yes theres just pictures every where in magazines of perfect men, and so I felt pressured to feel like the 'norm'. It restricted my day to day life.
Reporter 2: And here we have Judith Butler who is a media theorist lets here from her
Judith Butler: Thankyou, my theory is about how peoples day to day life is a performance, and how identities aren't a fixed state as they are constantly changing. So it's not about who you are, it's about how you perform. So as you can see Tony it seems to me you are going to dramatic measures to display your performance to the rest of the society.
Reporter 1: Thank you Judith, lets go to the weather.
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